Arriving June, 2024

What is BLACK BOX Prompter™?
Built for musicians by musicians.

BLACK BOX Prompter is the smart lyrics/chords floor monitor that gives musicians the confidence to create a more powerful connection with their audience.

Hobbyists, touring professionals, and houses of worship can deliver their best performance by removing the distraction of tablets, phones, and music stands from the stage – all without installing any software.

What Features are Included in a BLACK BOX Prompter?
BLACK BOX Prompter Features

Where Can I Get One?

Not sold in stores (yet) but you can pre-order one now to be one of the first musicians to get your hands on one.

BLACK BOX Prompters are built in North Texas, and by June 15, we will have demonstration BOXes available at:

Murphy’s Music (Irving, TX)

Grapevine Guitar Loft (Grapevine, TX)

Thank You, Dallas International Guitar Festival!
What an incredible event!

About Me

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Live & Studio

Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna.

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Helping Musicians at All Levels
Whether you perform once a year or 300+ times a year, boost your confidence on stage.

Cover Bands | Solo Artists

Church Bands

Touring Professionals


How BLACK BOX Prompter has helped musicians deliver their best performance
"I ditched the tablet for the BLACK BOX Prompter™ ...removed the barrier between me and the audience, fostering a more powerful connection."
Sandy Smith, Lead singer of 90 PROOF Country
Sandy Smith
Lead Singer, 90 PROOF Country & 80s Gadgets

Go From This...

To This...

Musicians using tablets and iphones
Singer using BLACK BOX Prompter

Why Use a Black Box Prompter?

Remove any barriers in the way of you and your audience.

Charts. Song sheets. iPad® lyrics. Cheat sheets.

Whatever you call it, they’re getting in the way of you and your audience.

No shame in glancing at lyrics or chords while performing, but do it in a way that’s transparent so they don’t even notice – and remove the distraction so you can deliver your best performance possible – every time.

Singer using black box prompter in front of him but unnoticed from audience

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